Author: Laurie Lyons-Makaimoku
JetBlue wants to help cities go green this April to celebrate Earth Month, giving Austin the chance to win $50,000 for a new green space. The Green City Vote is part of the airline’s One Thing That’s Green initiative, an annual campaign that highlights their commitment to environmentalism and giving back to the community.
Becoming a journalist just got a whole lot easier thanks to a new program from The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin.
The great videos just keep on coming! Last month we profiled the City of Austin Code Department’s strange, yet somehow wonderful video series, and now another Austin entity has joined in on the fun.
A group of University of Texas students are fighting for their right to grow gardens on the UT campus, as new development plans threaten the future of the UT Concho Community Garden and the UT Microfarm, UT’s first student run farm.
Austin’s BrewDrop app will see some new changes soon, now that it’s been acquired by
Hammy the pig made a big splash on social media this morning as Austin rallied to try to find the piggie’s parent.
More Texans might need to say “gig ‘em,” rather than “hook ‘em,” if they want a better bang for their college buck, according to a recent report by PayScale Inc.
Last month the AISD board voted to change the name of Robert E. Lee Elementary. Now, the Hyde Park school needs a new name, and the public has until April 15 to weigh in it.
It looks like ABC’s “Shark Tank” really loves Austin entrepreneurs-another Austin startup just scored some of those billionaire investor dollars on last Friday’s episode.
Austin is a hotbed for beverage entrepreneurs, which makes sense, what with the heat and all. In the last few weeks alone, three different beverage-based Austin companies had a spotlight shone on their successes.
Some not so cool news for the 6th Street Cool Store -- it looks like they’ll be closing up their east side shop this weekend.
It’s shaping up to be a lovely weekend, and a great way to take advantage of this gorgeous spring weather in Austin is to participate in the Keep Austin Beautiful Clean Sweep.
The Clifford Antone Foundation officially launches today, giving blues fans and music patrons the opportunity to support the blues and other music cultures in Austin.
If you’re wondering where that smoke on South Lamar came from today, we’re sad to report that Henri’s Cheese and Wine on Oltorf caught fire this morning during lunch.
The Austin Chamber of Commerce’s A-List awards are open for nominations, but you need to apply by Friday, April 8.
At this point, Austin is used to being the belle of the ball in nearly every area, and hardly a day goes by without our fair city landing on some list or other.
Like any good Austin concert, the Fire Marshall were looming last night when the Austin Music Commission hosted its monthly meeting at City Hall.
Snake bites aren’t particularly funny, but for 6-year-old Kole Black, laughing is the best way that he can make it through the ordeal that required him to have more than 30 vials of antivenom administered to him.
One of the latest lists Austin finds itself on may have some of us scratching our heads. And noses. And eyes.
Care about the future of Austin’s music scene? Now is your chance to do something about it.
The accolades for Austin chefs and restaurants just keep rolling in, this time with Kevin Fink of Emmer & Rye.
Austin’s food competition scene just got a little cheesier as Antonelli’s Cheese is wrapping up their first ever Mac N Cheese Off this weekend.
The City of Austin Code Department is making some waves with their odd series of Code Support Group videos that are attempting to spread the word about how to deal with and report code violations.