Author: Stephen C. Webster
It must be almost summer time, because students in Austin are getting restless. So restless that the seniors at LASA somehow put together this amazing video set to The Killers.
Two Austin restaurants have joined a movement aimed at defying President-elect Donald Trump and his mass-deportation plans.
File this one under “news of the weird.” Last week a group of about 30 people were spotted near campus...
The University of Texas at Austin’s Energy Institute published a study on Thursday (PDF link) that pinpoints the true costs...
The president of Texas State University has rebuked the author of racist, anti-immigrant flyers around campus.
The Statesman has a blog up today that details the individuals who comprise Austin's "royal family" -- if we had one, that is.
Students and families in Round Rock are in shock this week over a hit-and-run accident that claimed the life of Stony Point High School coach Sean Kelley.
Stop. The. Presses. The biggest news in Austin right now just got bigger.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler is doing something bold in the face of growing pressure to police with more fairness: He's announced an anti-racism task force.
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry made his anticipated debut on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Monday night, and it didn't go down so well.
There is a hanging car sticking out of a parking garage in downtown Austin just blocks from the Frost Tower, and nobody is quite sure how it got there.
Mayor Steve Adler has received many words of high praise for fighting veteran homelessness, but none quite so sweet as the letter First Lady Michelle Obama sent over.
We love Austin businesses, particularly our local foodie scene, but not every Austinite can be perpetually sunny. That's why there's Complainer's Corner.
Austin weather update: It Will Be DANGEROUSLY HOT out today, with a potential heat index of up to 112°. Stay indoors if possible!
So, this is awesome -- Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey is teaching a film class at UT Austin!
You've seen his movies. You've cheered him at the Oscars. But we guarantee, you have never seen Matthew McConaughey like this before.
Ridesharing services Uber and Lyft shut down in Austin on Monday after the failure of Prop. 1... And needless to say, Austinites are pissed.
Paul Qui, the famous Austinite who won "Top Chef" in 2012 and operates several restaurants in town, was arrested Saturday on assault charges.
Health officials in Texas warned this week that over 20 confirmed cases of the Zika Virus have cropped up in Texas, alongside 157 nationwide.
Every year without fail, local NPR station KUTx releases a 100-song playlist featuring artists coming to town for SXSW, and this year is no different.
The "G" word -- "Gentrification" -- is frequently bandied about in conversations about Austin politics, and for good reason. But rarely has one person so perfectly captured what exactly it has meant to Austin over the years.
Y'all had to know this was coming. Fred Armisen's popular IFC show "Portlandia" just dropped a video on YouTube that takes a few barbs at our beloved Austin.
Model Blac Chyna, also known as Angela Renée White, 27, was arrested Friday at the Austin airport for drunken and disorderly conduct and possession of a controlled substance under four grams.