Study Highlights All The Ways Austin Is Costly For Millennials


Thinking about moving to Austin, Texas? It can be an expensive prospect for millennials, and a new study in Zillow really breaks it down.

Their bottom line finding: While Austin ended up with a better ranking than many other coveted tech centers throughout the United States, our rapid-fire growth is making the city a more daunting prospect by the day.

It is not only things like food and fun that come at a high price these days. The cost of housing is usually what breaks the bank for most. Millennials living in Austin only make a $40,000 a year median salary, Zillow found. When rent often starts at $1,000 (if you’re lucky), it’s easy to see how things can get tight quickly.

Despite these negative statistics, Austin is still the place to be for millennials living alone in Texas. Zillow found San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas have a smaller percentage of millennials living on their own, but they also have a higher percentage of millennials living at home with mom and dad, which has got to make the bills a little (read: a lot) easier.

To make living in Austin a little easier, take a look below at some of our savings guides. We can’t cut your rent, but hopefully you’ll get some ideas that keep some extra dollars in your pockets.

Featured photo: Pixabay