- March 10, 2016

High Lake Levels May Lead to Unprecedented Amounts of Summer Fun This Year

It’s going to be time to get those bikinis and water wings out soon, kiddos! And this year, thanks to recent rains and flooding events in 2015, miserable as they may be, the Highland Lakes are at higher levels than they have been in years. Lake Travis is as high as it has been since 2010 and Lake Buchanan since 2008, KXAN reports. That means that we hopefully won’t see marooned boats and sad tears on the faces of Central Texas children as the lakes’ recreational season begins.

For future updates on Travis Lake levels, we recommend the absolute genius, simple website Is the Lake Full Yet for updates and a link to donate to Central Texas flood relief (current answer: Nope, 2.7 feet to go-but so close!).