Train For The Austin Ice Cream Festival Year ‘Round With Scoops From These 10 Local Creameries!

Towards the end of summer, deep in the heart of the hottest month of the year, Austin holds its annual Ice Cream Festival. While the 2016 festival is coming up real soon (August 13th), we Austinites like to train for our yearly ice cream Olympics year ’round by frequenting our local creameries to pinpoint exactly which delicious frozen treats top our lists.

The festival is a blast for people of all ages, from the kids to the neighbors, the teens to the baby-boomers, the dogs, and everybody in between! With contests and prizes for ice cream-eating, pop-sickle-stick sculpture, and even homemade ice cream making, this festival has something for everyone. So, you should definitely go! But, if you are reading this sometime after 2016’s happening and the annual festival is still a way’s off, don’t worry — this info is all still valid, and it’s never too late to start your training.

1. This festival can get VERY DECADENT, because that’s how we roll.

To dive in head-first, try the cheddar-cheese ice-cream sandwich at Qui Austin.

2. Amy’s Ice Creams, both a good place to begin your endurance-trial and a forever fave in the ATX.


3. Stray from the beaten path to check out up-and-comers, like south-Austin’s own Lick: Honest Ice Creams.

4. Go the distance with colorful, creative combinations from Swift’s Attic.

5. Beat the heat and prepare for the meet with creamy goodness at Venezia Italian Gelato.

Hit ‘next’ to see the rest.

6. Roll hard with ice-cream sandwiches from Dolce Neve.

7. For your third, and final gelato lap, hit up the patio-bar at Dolce Vita for a palate-cleansing scoop and prosecco.

8. And Vegans, don’t despair! Tasty treats from Austin’s own Sweet Ritual mean you’re still in the game!

9. If you think you’re ready to go pro, it might be time to call the Ben & Jerry’s truck over for some FREE ice cream.

10. Last, but definitely not least, try your luck taking down a full custard in the blazing Sun at Sandy’s.

All your training has lead you here – ready to tackle the 10th Annual Austin Ice Cream Festival! Get out there and show them what you’re made of! Pistachios, Nutella, blackberries and THE INDOMITABLE SPIRIT OF COMPETITION! Now, get out there and show those kids who’s boss!

Featured Image Photo Credit: Andreanna Moya, Flickr Creative Commons