Matthew McConaughey may be one of the biggest stars to call Austin home! He also has the biggest heart. Here are seven ways he’s helping bring attention and aid to the Coronavirus Crisis.
At the start of the stay at home challenge, McConaughey posted two IGTV videos on his Instagram account encouraging fans to stay safe at home.

He also voices a slick PSA that he shared on his Instagram account. The CDC is airing it nationally.
As if those videos aren’t enough to encourage Austinites to stay home, UT’s Minister of Culture spoke to students alongside Mayor Adler. The takeaway: “Stay home. Hook ’em. And just keep livin’.”
McConaughey is one of many celebrities who’ve joined the #AllInChallenge to help raise funds for Covid-19 relief. As part of the challenge celebrities are offering up unique experiences that anyone can win. Donations start as little as $10 and the prize McConaughey is offering is a big one. The winner will be sitting with him in his personal box during a UT game next season. Get more details here.
The Oscar winner and wife Camilla donated 80,000 masks to protect those who protect us. The masks will go to healthcare workers, firefighters, police officers, and others via the organization #BStrong.
Joined by his mom, wife, and two of his three children, the Oscar winner played virtual bingo with seniors in Round Rock earlier this month. Read more and watch video here!
And, of course, the most entertaining of all his efforts, his Bobby Bandito DIY face mask challenge. Watch that epic video here.