Join the Urban Roots Farm Outreach Interns for a free Family Fun Day on Saturday, October 18, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. – noon (come and go). Take a self-guided tour of the East Austin farm and enjoy educational and interactive stations throughout!
The Interns invite guests of all ages to learn more about Urban Roots Farm and nutrition through a variety of activities, including:
- Turn-It-Up Compost: Hosted by the Farm Coordinator, Blake, your family will be able to learn about compost and help maintain the on-farm compost pile!
- Be A Farmer: Farm Educator Shirene, alongside an Outreach Intern, will lead you in hands-on farm work!
- Bees With Brandon: Austin-area Beekeeper Brandon Fehrenkamp will provide answers to ANY bee question you have, in addition to showcasing an observational beehive!
- Veggies Make You Strong: Youth leaders will provide interactive, age-appropriate nutrition education (and snack samples)!
- Name Our Orchard: Your family will have the opportunity to make permanent name tags for the fruit trees in the orchard (creativity encouraged)!
If you’d like to stop by, please RSVP. Be sure to wear closed-toe shoes and bring a water bottle!
For more information, please visit the Urban Roots Farm website.
Urban Roots Farm
7651 Delwau Ln
Austin, TX 78725