The New Year is upon us, and it’s time for everyone to make resolutions that they’ll keep till February. Like everyone else, we at have our own resolutions for 2016. But unlike everyone else, we plan to keep these going all year long.
Can you keep up? If you can, then these 10 Austin resolutions will keep you grinning through 2016.
10.) Learn to Two-Step at Dance Across Texas
It’s a fact: every Texan or soon-to-be Texan should learn how to do the dance that knocks Southern women off their feet. While Dallas nightclub, the premier place for free two-stepping, closed in September, there’s another location for you to honky tonk: Dance Across Texas, off of Ben White Blvd. From 8-9 pm on Saturdays, and after that, feel free to practice your do-si-dos and spins with some of the finest Southern women this state has to offer!
9.) Sample your way through Austin’s farmers markets
With over 20 different Farmer’s Markets in Austin, there’s no shortage of great samples. From new drinks to even some organic pizza slices, there’s something for everyone from vendors all around Travis, Williamson and Hayes County.
8.) Eat something you can’t pronounce at Whole Foods on Lamar
Well, you can probably pronounce the names of most food items at Whole Foods, but maybe it’s time to indulge your inner wild side. Ever tried an emu egg omelette? Or some swordfish? What about some kale pear and banana ice cream?
7.) Find a one-of-a-kind antique on Burnet Road
While many tourists look to find some hidden and historic antique gems on South Congress, very few people know about the treasures on Burnet Road. The Austin Antique Mall and Antique Marketplace are two place where you’re bound to find an old knick knack.
6.) Try every taco at Taco Deli
Well, this is one resolution that shouldn’t take too long: there’s only twenty-five different tacos on the menu. With five locations in Austin, however, you could try 125 different tacos. I mean come on, eating a Space Cowboy taco five different times (or more!) sounds pretty appetizing, doesn’t it?
5.) Get Involved In The Debate Over RideSharing Regulations

Photo: Flickr user Matthew Rutledge, creative commons licensed.
As some of you might know, the City Council passed regulations that made operating in Austin a little more dicey for Uber and Lyft. The petition to rethink those rules has been an enormous success. Now make it your resolution to support ridesharing in Austin — or don’t, if you agree with the council on this one. We’re probably headed for a city-wide vote on the matter, so it’s only a matter of time before everyone chooses sides. No matter your opinion on the matter, it’s safe to say that democracy is alive and well in Austin.
4.) Take a cheese class at Antonelli’s
There’s gotta be a cheesy New Year’s Resolution somewhere right? With six different cheese classes, there’s bound to be one to tickle your cheese fancy!
3.) Swim at Barton Springs More Often
Yes, the best time to get a great Instagram at Barton Springs is in the summer when the masses are swimming. But did you know that there’s an opportunity for FREE swimming before the summer? Yes, make it your New Year’s resolution to get out to Barton Springs for a free swim! Be prepared though… the water is about 50 degrees regardless of the season.
2.) Catch a Sunrise And Sunset At One Of Austin’s Scenic Viewpoints
Austin is known for its incredible sunrise and sunset. While the sun rises and sets a little earlier than we’d like to in the wintertime, in the summer you can get some award-winning pictures. Watch the sunrise on Austin’s newly constructed boardwalk (with a cup of coffee from a local shop), and then end your day on Mount Bonnell, with a gorgeous sunset and some P. Terry’s.
1.) Take a tour of the Capitol building
Austin is home to the Texas Capitol building, the largest building of its kind in the nation (yes, even bigger than the U.S. Capitol). Most longtime Austinites just take this for granted at this point, but why not get a free tour? If you time it right, you can explore the history of Texas as a state and as our own nation without having the bother of lobbyists and lawmakers and staffers clogging the building.
BONUS: Find your inner adventurer at BookPeople
Independent bookstores are going the way of Republican presidential contenders… There are fewer every week! Fortunately, the City of Austin has BookPeople, located on Lamar across the street from Whole Foods. Indulge your inner bookworm and find a book from a local author, or attend a meetup where you might find authors like Mary Louise-Parker, or even famous political authors!
Happy 2016 from the team!