Another Halloween has come and gone, and while revelers still nurse their hangovers and come down from their sugar rushes, we took some time to put together a list of our favorite costumes from Austinites this year. From nods to Austin staples to influences from the pop culture world, this year’s selections didn’t disappoint.
The folks from the El Chile group celebrated by dressing as a few of their favorite things — menu items and mascots from their restaurants, and they couldn’t have been cuter.
This duo also kept it local, taking cues from our most primal shopping nightmares.
And you just aren’t an Austinite if you haven’t shuddered while passing by a David Komie billboard. This little girl managed to pull off the ultimate creepy local lawyer with hilarity.
Of course, it’s not Halloween without an appearance by Drumpf, himself. His tiny hands and penchant for grabbing things with them were certainly critical accessories for making Halloween great again. (That’s our executive editor, by the way.)
Holy. Crap. IT’S PAT. But seriously, there is no ambiguity when it comes to the awesomeness of this costume.
We’ll hold the door for this costumed duo any day.
If you happened to notice this bodacious babe as you ordered drinks at Jackalope, just know that yours wasn’t the only eye she caught. Andrew WK, the party god behind her costume, reposted her photo on Instagram.
Speaking of hot bartenders, this Sesame Street squad made for a fun weekend at Dirt Bill’s on West 6th.
Things got a little weird, but awesome, at this “Stranger Things” themed party.
Local DJ, MSCLS, went all out as Dr. Frankenfurter for the holiday. We can’t imagine it was easy lifting turntable cases in fishnets and heels.
For when you really want to be your own best friend.
As much as we love Willie, he’s never looked quite as darling as this little Red Headed Stranger.
This cute little Halloween hedgehog, also known as Beans, found a cozy costume inside of this pumpkin.
Did we miss some of your favorites? Be sure to add them in the comments, and maybe we’ll add them in.
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