- April 30, 2020

These 7 Pictures Will Make You Fall In Love With Austin All Over Again


With a slogan like “Keep Austin Weird” the chances of there being another city quite like Austin is slim to none. Sometimes it may be hard to appreciate all that the ATX has to offer due to the daily hustle and bustle of work, family, friends, and life in general.

Given the current global situation we know that, like us, most of you are really missing being out and about. Especially in a vibrant city like Austin. We bet some of you even miss being stuck in traffic – okay maybe that’s taking it a little too far.

The shelter-in-place order may be lifted as of May 1, but that doesn’t mean things will go back to normal right away. The city and everyone in it still needs to take caution.

We thought we’d take this chance to remind you why you love the ATX while suggesting that your love for the city is why you should consider staying home and continuing to be cautious.

Here are seven pictures that will make you fall in love with Austin all over again.

We too love this city and can’t wait for it to welcome us back into its weird arms. Until that time comes remember that in order to “Keep Austin Weird” we have to keep Austin safe.

Want even more pictures to make you fall in love with Austin? Check out this post on all of the artistic messages of hope popping up around the city.