- February 19, 2015

Engineers Day at the Thinkery


In honor of National Engineers Week, the Thinkery will be hosting Engineers Day on Saturday, February 21, 2015, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The first 400 children to arrive will get in free.

Kids of all ages will be encouraged to participate in several engineering-themed activities alongside knowledgeable volunteers from local companies and organizations.

Engineers Day is sponsored by the Austin Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Austin Intellectual Property Law Association, Greater Austin Contractors & Engineers Association, Hayward Baker, MWM Design Group and SAM Inc.

For more information about Engineers Day, visit the Thinkery website. For details on regular admission prices and museum hours, click here.

Thinkery Austin
1830 Simond Avenue
Austin, TX 78723