- January 27, 2015

Art in Public Places: Hello Lamp Post – Austin


Have you ever wanted to chat with a lamp post? A fire hydrant? A tree? February 12 through April 27, 2015, inanimate objects around Austin, from manholes to mailboxes, will come to life via text message as part of Hello Lamp Post, an international art project created by London-based designers Pan Studio.

Starting February 12, anyone can text the official Hello Lamp Post phone number and “wake up” objects around town to discover what they have to say.  Watch the fun video here to learn more about the project.

Here’s how to play:

Step 1: Choose an item of street furniture with a unique reference code – a code can be a combination of numbers and letters, such as a serial number.

Step 2: Send a text message to the Hello Lamp Post phone number with a message in the format “Hello OBJECTTYPE #OBJECTCODE”. For example: “Hello lamp post #402455” or “Hello moontower #BS2032.”

Step 3: Follow the conversation – you should get a reply text soon. Answer the object’s questions and learn what other people have said.

The Hello Lamp Post phone number will be become available on February 12, 2015. The project is free to anyone, but standard text messaging rates apply.

The public is invited to a free kick-off event, complete with drinks and bites, on February 12, from 4-6 p.m. at Republic Square Park (422 Guadalupe Street). Head over to Facebook to RSVP. 

For more information on this project, visit Hello Lamp Post – Austin or read the press release.