***Revised due to cancellation of Hike along Smith trail***
***Note new Starting Point***
Located in the shadow of Capital of Texas Highway Loop 360, the [Bull Creek greenbelt](http://www.austintop50.com/2013/06/bull-creek-greenbelt-hike.html) is a favorite hiking destination in northwest Austin. The greenbelt surrounds a segment of Bull Creek known for its scenery, containing natural springs, waterfalls, swimming holes, and towering limestone bluffs.
Join us for an **moderate hike of 5 miles with 500 foot elevation gain** through the Bull Creek Preserve, part of the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve. The golden-cheeked warblers nest here from the start of March through the end of July. There are no creek crossings. No pets allowed in the preserve.
Participants must sign a Liability Waiver at the trailhead. You may view the waiver document: [https://tinyurl.com/SCSignUpSheet2020](https://tinyurl.com/SCSignUpSheet2020) .
Often we go out for food and drink afterwards.
If not already a member, we encourage you to [join the Sierra Club](https://act.sierraclub.org/donate/rc_connect__campaign_designform?id=7013100000117r1AAA&formcampaignid=70131000001LWb8AAG&ddi=N16JSEGO01&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=sem_donate&utm_content=exp&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhc-sBhCEARIsAOVwHuQUEiXtnRYKbZsL3aTo085ElDIidJIpjmsNlFJrU_uOg2yjAW0VMPkaAk2ZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) (the national club, not just the Meetup group) and help protect the environment.