Make plans to attend Come Dance!, Ballet Austin’s annual FREE Day of Dance, coming up on Sunday, August 28, 2016 from 1-5:45 p.m.
Come Dance!, a day of free dance classes at Downtown Austin’s premiere dance and fitness center, is designed for participants of all experience levels, and is your opportunity to sample a variety of dance classes. Come Dance! is Ballet Austin’s way of thanking the Central Texas community for its support each year by opening its doors to residents who are looking to get fit and have fun!
Whether you have danced before or never danced a step in your life, Come Dance is your day to get your groove on! Try as many of the fun dance styles as you can!
WHO: Ballet Austin’s Butler Center for Dance & Fitness
WHAT: Come Dance! – A Day of FREE Dance Classes
WHEN: Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016, 1-5:45 p.m. CT
WHERE: Ballet Austin’s Butler Dance Education Center
501 West 3rd Street, Austin, TX 78701
AGES: Adults and children ages 5 and up
COST: FREE for all participants (no pre-registration or dance experience required)
An up-to-date schedule of classes, free parking information, and pre-registration is available at
Butler Dance Education Center
501 W. 3rd St.
Austin, Texas