It seems that everyone’s doing the ALS ice bucket challenge lately — a viral sensation intended to raise awareness of those who suffer fromĀ Lou Gehrig’s disease. Of course, part of the fun of the ice bucket challenge is that you get to nominate someone else to do it next.
Time magazine says that the ALS ice bucket challenge got started as a bit of a joke between two friends who suggested dumping buckets of cold water on each other’s heads for charity — not specifically to support ALS. By chance, one of the participants selected an ALS charity because someone he knows has the disease.
Before long, the challenge took on a life of its own and caught the attention of Pete Frates, a Massachusetts resident and former college basketball player who was diagnosed with ALS in 2012. It was Frates and his family who turned the ice bucket challenge into a powerful new vehicle to raise money for ALS research, and now they’ve got just about everybody doing it from Oprah to Bill Gates.
Of course, some of Austin’s best-known personalities are getting in on the action after receiving a challenge, and now they’re passing it on. Below, you can see University of Texas football coach Charlie Strong getting doused with ice water and playing it off like another day on the field. We’ve also included two more videos, showing former UT coach Mack Brown getting hit with a bucket of cold H2O, and below that watch the anchors over at KXAN catch a splash of freezing sobriety during Sunday night’s broadcast.
The campaign has taken in over $15 million thus far, according to Time.