Learn about the preserves in Williamson County and the endangered/threatened species that live in them.
**This course features two components:**
**First,** complete the free Leave No Trace 101 course on-line at the link below and email your certificate to [[email protected]](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leave-no-trace-for-williamson-county-preserves-tickets-1074489098819?aff=erelexpmlt “mailto:[email protected]”) **ASAP**.
[https://learn.lnt.org/courses/101](https://learn.lnt.org/courses/101 “https://learn.lnt.org/courses/101”)
**Second,** [sign up and attend the in-person course](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leave-no-trace-for-williamson-county-preserves-tickets-1074489098819?aff=erelexpmlt) on Saturday, January 11th to receive your preserves pass.
**Only 20 spots remaining!**
The Williamson County Conservation Foundation (WCCF) is pleased to announce that we are once again offering the Leave No Trace for Williamson County Preserves courses! Come join us for a fun and educational event where we will build upon Leave No Trace principles by learning how they can benefit our beautiful preserves and the endangered/threatened species that live in them.
This training is for anyone interested in what the WCCF does and for people wanting an access pass to the Twin Springs and Beck preserve areas. Passes are required for each individual 13 years old and up. Let’s work together to help preserve nature for future generations to enjoy. Hope to see you there!