No Nine Inch Nails is Not Playing at HEB — Or Are They?

Did your Facebook invite box just inexplicably become full of invitations to weird events that sound like secret SXSW parties planned by Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite? If so, you may be wondering where the hell these are coming from and why do these people have so much damn time on their hands? Or maybe you –along with 6,000 other people– really got excited that Nine Inch Nails is playing a secret show at HEB or that Metallica might actually be playing at the Sonic off of Oltorf (in that case you probably also believed that Daft Punk was playing at the capital during SX this year). If not, well you should be sad that your friends don’t love you enough to make up weird, fake events and invite you to them.

The whole thing started on the holiest of holy days this year when fans flocked to an Ohio gas station for a Limp Bizkit secret show on 4/20. Hundreds of them showed up, which seems rather hard to believe, but ok. The only ones who didn’t show up were the actual band. Entertainment Weekly reports that it all started with a fake Facebook post and even though the actual band, the government of Dayton, and the gas station vehemently refuted the existence of the event, hundreds of people still showed up.

So, if you want to be like one of these super smart Limp Bizkit fans, be sure to click “Going” when these Facebook invites come your way. Or you can just go to one of the many great events or concerts that are actually happening this weekend in Austin.

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Not in Austin? Don’t fret, New York and other cities are getting in on the recycled Internet meme from 2015 action, too. Here are a few for our San Antonio neighbors:

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HEB countered the rumors with a Nine Inch Nail joke of their own and showed they have a great sense of humor and are quick at responding. Kudos to HEB’s social team.
